Saturday, August 28, 2010


Our last Garage Sale of the summer is extra special. When you spend $10 or more, you'll be entered to win a FREE 64 oz. Maple Toddy candle.  Order jewelry from our catalog at 30% savings!  Many items have even deeper discounts or MAKE US AN OFFER.  We'll have some newer items at a discount.  For DRIVING DIRECTIONS, see BLOG POST under June 22.  Below are a few photos of items we've never had at our garage sales - plus the Enter to Win 64 oz. candle.  Hope to see you!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


We've been remodeling our home office.  Since we love Fall, we wanted a Fall theme.  A replacement valance over our huge window was definitely in order.  (The dark green floral fabric had to go.)  My woodworker husband suggested making an intarsia valance with wildlife.  He kind of flew by the seat of his pants on this one.  Above are a few photos of his first one. We are so happy with it.  These pictures are fairly good but in person, it's striking.  If you have creative or unique valance ideas, we hope you'll let us know.  
We'd love to hear from you.  =)