Sunday, October 31, 2010

2nd Annual Holiday House Craft Fair - Dec. 3 & 4

For Lodge Podge local customers:  If you missed our October Craft Fair, we hope you'll join us for the Holiday Fair.  The October show went well...and we're looking forward to December - with lots of creative ideas for gift giving and home decorating in all price ranges.  Hope to see you there.  =)

Monday, October 4, 2010


Sometimes we get the best ideas from our customers.  Becky from Oklahoma is one of our on-line friends.  She and her husband, along with a large group of friends, recently traveled to Alaska.  After they got back, they were planning an Alaska reunion party at their home.  Becky wanted to somehow re-create the trip for their friends.  She came up with a great idea and after finding us on-line, ordered the cute black bear napkin rings... and then decorated her floral centerpieces with some of our cute critters...moose, bear, otters (like they saw on their trip).  These all coordinated well with her black and white check color scheme.  And her friends loved it.  
Here are a few photos of her dinner party that just might provide inspiration for your next get-together.  
Women inspiring each other.  That's a good thought.  Thanks for sharing, Becky!  =)